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St. Hubert's Isle
In 1880, the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd was built on Bluff Island through the generosity of
William West Durant.
At that time, it was the only place of worship within twenty-five miles,
and the only Episcopal Church in Hamilton County.

William R. Mead of Philadelphia gave Bluff Island to the Diocese of Albany and the island was immediately renamed 'St. Huberts Isle' in honor of the patron saint of hunters. The church, built on a bluff of rocks on the north shore of the island, was consecrated as a summer chapel on September 12, 1880. Each Sunday morning, one of the Stott sisters, from nearby Bluff Point camp, walked outside their lodge, loaded a small cannon and fired it, calling the congregation to church and alerting them the 'church boats' were coming. A yearly service continues to be held at the Church of the Good Shepherd, the first Sunday in August, with worshippers being transported by boat as in the early days. Prayers and psalms are read from the book of Common Prayers dated 1889 The hymnals used date back to 1892 and the organ accompanying the music dates back to 1873.

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